Scholarships 2021





VSAC News You Can Use
college planning, financial aid, and more

It's official. The financial aid season opened October 1, which means the FAFSA, Vermont grant, and VSAC scholarship applications are now available. VSAC has a variety of ways we can help your students and families with these forms.

Spread the word about these financial aid virtual events & opportunities: 
  • VSAC Shows You How is a Facebook Live event on October 15 at 6:00 p.m. where Carrie Harlow will provide question-by-question guidance on how to fill out the FAFSA. 
  • Financial aid assistance: VSAC is here to help by offering Financial Aid & Managing College Costs presentations, 1:1 meetings for application filing, and FAFSA helpline hours.

Check Out These Great Resources From VSAC!

College Application Deadlines for the Top 50 National Universities:

Check out the comprehensive list that includes early action, 
early decision and regular admission deadlines. 

Student Services
Scholarships 20 - 21

Windsor Pizza Chef Scholarship
Barbara and Gus Tampasiss, owners of the Windsor Pizza Chef, offer a scholarship to 2 graduating students.  The criteria for this scholarship is that the student has worked part-time while in high school
Application Deadline: Please email completed application to Suzanne Ambrose/Greg Pickering/Jessica Vivian by 5/19/20

Windsor Pizza Chef

2020 Scholarship Application

Criteria: You must have worked part-time while in high school.



Place(s) of employment, most recent first, and job description for each:

Place Length of Job Description

What do you plan to do after high school?:

What do you think the hardest thing about your present job is?:

Thank you and good luck to you in whatever you choose to do!

Barbara and Gus Tampasis
Windsor Pizza Chef

Please email your completed application to Suzanne Ambrose/Greg Pickering/Jessica Vivian
by May 19, 2020. 

Windsor Lions Club Scholarship 2020
The Windsor Lions Club is accepting applications from graduating seniors for their 2020 scholarship.  Completed applications should be returned to
Application Deadline:  Monday, May 18, 2020,


 Member of the Windsor, Brownsville, Hartland, or Reading
Communities OR
 Relative of a Lodge Member AND
 Must be continuing his/her education in a two or four year
college or tech program.
Candidates Shall Exhibit - Strong history of volunteer or charitable
service - Leadership Skills - A commitment to their community and
humanitarian efforts.

Applications available from local high school guidance
office. For Lodge electronic copy contact



BY MAY 25, 2020

Elks National FoundationWindsor Elks #1665
Lodge Scholarship Application 2020


Name                                                                                       Social Security #          -           -          
            Last                                         First                        Middle Initial

Street Address                                                                                                                                    

City                                                                              State                            Zip                              

Mailing Address (if different than above)                                                                                            

Phone (                                       Date of Birth                                 Gender   Male  o  Female  o        

Name and Location of High School                                                                                                    

List jobs you have held between September 1, 2016 – February 28, 2019.  Start with the most recent and include work on a family farm or for a family business, even if you were not paid.  If necessary, attach a separate sheet structured identically to this section.  List approximate total hours worked, not average hours per week.  You will receive 0 points in this section if you do not list your hours as instructed.

Specific Nature of Work

Approximate Dates
Of Employment

Total Hours

_______________________________  ____________________________  ______________  __________

_______________________________  ____________________________  ______________  __________

_______________________________  ____________________________  ______________  __________

_______________________________  ____________________________  ______________  __________

_______________________________  ____________________________  ______________  __________

                                                                                                 GRAND TOTAL HOURS WORKED  __________

List community service you performed between September 1, 2017 – February 28, 2020.  Start with the most recent and include work on a family farm or for a family business, even if you were not paid.  If necessary, attach a separate sheet structured identically to this section.  List approximate total hours worked, not average hours per week.  You will receive 0 points in this section if you do not list your hours as instructed.

Specific Nature of Service

Approximate Dates
Of Service

Total Hours

_______________________________  ____________________________  ______________  __________

_______________________________  ____________________________  ______________  __________

_______________________________  ____________________________  ______________  __________

_______________________________  ____________________________  ______________  __________

_______________________________  ____________________________  ______________  __________

                                                                                             GRAND TOTAL HOURS OF SERVICE  ____________

List scholastic, extracurricular and civic honors and received awards during grades 9 – 12.  State nature of award and the grade it was received: i.e. Girl Scout Gold Award, 12.   Please do not abbreviate names of awards, as we may not be likely to understand their meanings.  Include a brief description of each award on a separate sheet of paper.  Feel free to explain, in 25 words or less, the purpose of the award and why you received it.

1.                                                                                   6.                                                                    

2.                                                                                   7.                                                                    

3.                                                                                   8.                                                                    

4.                                                                                   9.                                                                    

5.                                                                                   10.                                                                   

List your principal leadership roles and extracurricular activities, in the order of its importance to you.  State the name of the organization, years involved, hours per week commitment, leadership role and responsibilities held in that role.  Examples include, but are not limited to, student government, publications, debate, orchestra/band, varsity athletics, church groups, performing arts, service programs, etc.

    Grade Level
 9     10     11    12


Positions Held/Honors Received
Letters Earned

__________________________     o   o   o   o   ___________  _________  __________________________

__________________________     o   o   o   o   ___________  _________  __________________________

__________________________     o   o   o   o   ___________  _________  __________________________

__________________________     o   o   o   o   ___________  _________  __________________________

__________________________   o   o   o   o   ___________  _________  __________________________

__________________________     o   o   o   o   ___________  _________  __________________________

__________________________    o   o   o   o   ___________  _________  __________________________

__________________________     o   o   o   o   ___________  _________  __________________________

__________________________     o   o   o   o   ___________  _________  __________________________

__________________________     o   o   o   o   ___________  _________  __________________________

__________________________     o   o   o   o   ___________  _________  __________________________

__________________________     o   o   o   o   ___________  _________  __________________________

(Including 7th semester classes; 7th semester grades are not required.)

You must prepare an essay on the following subject.  Essay not to exceed 500 words and must be dated and signed.  Failure to do so will result in zero points in this section.

Describe what volunteering or leadership activity you are most proud of and why.


List College(s) to which you have applied.




Describe Your Career Plans





Have you been awarded other financial aid, grants or scholarships?  If so, please list.                                                       


Applicant’s parents (or guardian) must complete a statement of 200 words or less summarizing the family’s obligations and resources.  The statement should illustrate the need for financial assistance.  Statement must be signed and dated by applicant’s parents (or guardian).

Attach copies of exhibits of achievement in scholarship, leadership, athletics, performing arts, community service, or other activities.  Be selective in what you choose to submit, the idea is quality over quantity.  Number of exhibits should be limited to no more than 12 pages.  Newspaper articles, letters of commendation for community service, or art projects are examples of exhibits that can be included.  Do not submit originals.  The exhibits will not be returned to you.  Double-sided acceptable.

By signing this application, you agree, if asked, to provide information that will verify the accuracy of your completed form.  If you purposely give false or misleading information, you will be disqualified from this contest.

Date:                                                                       Signed By:                                                                                                             

Date:                                                                        Signed By:                                                                                                             

Date:                                                                        Signed By:                                                                                                             


2020 Scholarship Application
Ramunto’s of Claremont will award one scholarship of $250 (in memory of EVELYN ACCARDI) to a selected graduating senior. Applicants must be selected for enrollment in a post-secondary education program of at least two years as a full-time student. There are no financial restrictions. 
Scholarship awarded to a student who exemplifies the ideals of dedication and focus.  The recipient should demonstrate the desire to help others, must be of good character, and must believe that furthering education will help benefit not only his/herself but the broader community as well. Must be in the top 25% of his or her graduating class and be of good reputation.

Each application will be evaluated on a short essay (400 - 500 words) demonstrating:
  • Your individual determination to succeed.
  • Your future goals and plans to achieve them.
  • How your planned career can be leveraged to serve your community.

Please send application essay to:

Ramunto’s Brick Oven Pizza
CC: Brad Willey

P.O. Box 7
Claremont, NH 03743

VT Lodge #18 Free & Accepted Masons Scholarship
This scholarship is for any graduating senior who will be attending a post-secondary school in the Fall of 2020 (2- or 4-year program).  If you have questions, please e.mail Tim Roberts at
The completed application should be email to Tim Roberts at no later than Wednesday, May 1, 2020.

Vermont Lodge No. 18 Free & Accepted Masons
Scholarship Application – Class of 2020

Name:__________________________________ Date of Birth:___________________
City:_____________________________________           State: ______________________    Zip Code _______________

Parents or Guardians:

Name(s): ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________ 
Name and address of School/College you plan to attend: 
List school activities participated in, offices held, and academic honors received (if additional space is
needed, please use a separate piece of paper): 

Please explain why you feel you should receive this scholarship (if additional space is needed,
please use a separate piece of paper):

***Application Deadline is Wednesday, May 1, 2020***

Windsor Rotary Club Scholarship
The Windsor Rotary Club Scholarship is awarded to seniors who will be continuing their education. It is given on the basis of need and level of success in high school.  There is an application, essay and 3 letters of recommendation required for this scholarship.  For the application and information on submission, please click HERE.  Please note that the application states that it's for the year 2019, but is indeed for 2020.  Make sure to cross out and change the date please before submission. Application Deadline: Friday, May 8, 2020

Windsor Area Booster Club Scholarship 2020

The Windsor Booster Area Booster Club supports all aspects of the school experience.  Graduating Windsor High School seniors that are planning to attend college or technical school in the fall of 2020 are encouraged to fill out this scholarship application.   Students should note that there is a separate explanation that needs to be included with this application.  Please note that the application states that it's for the year 2019, but is indeed for 2020.  Make sure to cross out and change the date please before submission.   An application can be obtained by clicking HERE.   Students should note that there is a separate explanation that needs to be included with this application.   It can be sent as a separate PDF or document when submitting the application to  
Application Deadline: Friday, May 15, 2020

Mary Rita Batesole Environmental Education Scholarship
This scholarship was created in memory of Mary Rita Batesole, whose many years of committed stewardship of the environmental health and well-being of Lakes Rescue and Pauline in Ludlow, Vermont, was unwavering.  The scholarship will support a regional graduating high school senior pursuing environmental education, broadly defined.  Students must demonstrate a strong commitment to the environment and be currently or planning to earn a degree or certificate in any field related to understanding and promoting environmental health and/or environmental sustainability.
Amount:  One scholarship of up to $1,000.  Applicants may re-apply in successive years.
Eligibility:  Successful applicant must:
1) Reside in southern Windsor County, Vermont, or surrounding towns.
2) Be a graduating high school senior.
3) Seeking a degree or certificate in any field related to environmental education and/or sustainability.
4) Demonstrate academic achievement.
5) Demonstrate a strong work ethic and school/community involvement, preferably but not necessarily in environmental endeavors.
6) Demonstrate financial need.
For more information and to apply, please go to:
Deadline:  Application must be received (electronically or postmarked) by April 30, 2020

 Golf Association Scholarship
Scholarships will be granted annually not to exceed the four years that the recipient is enrolled in college.  Applicant must be a resident of the State of Vermont, graduating from high school and must be enrolled in, or accepted as a full-time student at a college/university or technical school of university grade.  Some of the criteria used for selection are overall financial need, school performance, the applicant's (not family) affiliation to the game of golf (such as competing on a golf team, working at a golf course, or participation in golf programs or events.

The 2020 VGA Scholarship Application is now available on the VGA website at  The VGA is asking that applications be filled out and submitted on-line.
For a copy of the scholarship requirements and list of required supporting documents, please click HERE.
Deadline: Friday, May 1, 2020

Robert and Joyce Oberkotter Family Foundation Scholarship

The 2020 MVS application is open and on line.
The 2020 Most Valuable Student scholarship contest is open to any high school senior who is a US Citizen.
Applicants will be judged on scholarship, leadership, and financial need.
  • Current high school seniors, or the equivalent, who are citizens of the United States are eligible to apply.
  • Applicants need not be related to a member of the Elks.
  • High school graduates are not eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must be citizens of the United States on the date their applications are signed; permanent legal resident status does not qualify.
The application deadline is November 5, 2019 at 11:59 PM.
  • The Elks National Foundation will award 500 four-year scholarships to the highest-rated applicants in the 2020 competition.
  • Male and female students compete separately.
  • Ranging from $1,000 per year to $12,500 per year, Most Valuable Student scholarships are for students pursuing a four-year degree, on a full-time basis (minimum of 12 semester hours), in a U.S. college or university. All scholarships are in the form of certificates of award conditional upon the full-time enrollment of the winner in an accredited U.S. college or university.
  • The Chicago office of the Elks National Foundation will announce the 2020 500 national winners in late April 2020. (Many local Lodges, districts and state Elks associations award their own scholarships through this program. These scholarships are not to be confused with the 500 Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarships.)
The 20 top finalists will participate in an all expenses paid Leadership Weekend in Chicago during which they’ll interview with the national judges. These 20 finalists will be vying for two first-place awards of $50,000; two second-place awards of $40,000; and two third-place awards of $30,000. The remaining 14 finalists will receive awards of $20,000. The 480 runners-up will receive fifth-place scholarships of $4,000.


If you have a question that isn't answered here, please contact our application vendor, ISTS, directly. Their contact information is:
Phone: (877) 661-1205
Online Contact Form: 
Q: Who is eligible to apply?
A: Applicants must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible for this scholarship:
  • You must be a current high school senior. High school graduates are not eligible.
  • You must be a citizen of the United States on the date your application is submitted; permanent legal resident status does not qualify.
  • You must have taken either the ACT or SAT on or before October 5, 2019.
Note: You do not have to be a member (or the dependent of a member) of the Elks to qualify.
Q: What do you consider to be an independent student? 
A: We will not accept an applicant as an independent student unless the student is or has been a ward of the Court or other extenuating circumstance. We require a copy of a court document or a Notarized letter from an appropriate Court Agency (Social Services) certifying such status.
Q: I'm home-schooled. Would I qualify? 
A: Home-schooled students are eligible to apply for the scholarship. However, all aspects of the application must be filled out completely. When possible, a third party should complete the Counselor’s Report for the applicant.
Q: I'm taking a gap year and will not enroll in college until the following year. Would I qualify? 
A: Depends. Applicants must be a high school senior or the equivalent. If you have officially graduated high school and are currently on a gap year, you are no longer eligible for the Most Valuable Student scholarship. If however, you have not yet graduated high school, but plan to take a gap year, you would be eligible, given you meet the other eligibility criteria.
Q: I'm planning to enroll in a two year training program. Can I use my scholarship towards this? 
A: Scholarships are available only to students who enroll in four-year undergraduate degree programs at accredited U.S. American colleges or universities. It is acceptable for a student to enroll in a two-year college for the first two years of the four-year program.
Contest Procedures and Selection
Q: When is the application deadline? 
A: The application deadline for the 2020 contest is November 5, 2019 at midnight.
Q: How do I know if my application is complete? 
A: Allow five to seven business days after uploading documents for your online status to update. You may monitor your status of your application on your home page.
• Started: items are needed or are being processed. To see the items, click the grey or yellow ‘Started’ tile next to the application title. This will open another box listing all required items and the current status of each.
• Complete: all required forms and attachments (if applicable) have been received and your application will be considered for the scholarship.You may also monitor the status of your attachments and recommendations (if applicable).
• Not Received: the attachment has either not been received or has been rejected.
• Not Started: the form has not been requested or started.
• Requested: the form request has been created, but the form has not been started.
• Processing: the attachment has been received and is being reviewed.
• Rejected: the attachment was not accepted and has been rejected.
• Accepted: the attachment has been verified and accepted by ISTS.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to monitor the progress of all application requirements to make sure the application is complete. The status "Complete" will display on the home page when all forms have been submitted and all documents have been verified.
Q: What are the selection criteria? 
A: An independent selection committee will evaluate the applications and select the recipients considering:
  • Leadership
  • Academic achievements and records
  • Community involvement
  • Financial need
Decisions of the selection committees are final and are not subject to appeal. No application feedback will be given.
Q: Is there a minimum income required in order to be considered for the MVS scholarship? 
A: No. There is not a minimum income required in order to apply nor is there a maximum income we would not consider. The financial information presented on the application is considered in full, including any extenuating financial circumstances explained on the application. However, financial need is a component and counts towards the total number of points an application can receive. In addition, should you reach the State Finalist level of the competition, you will be required to upload your 
FAFSA Student Aid Report.
Q: What are the levels and details of the contest?
  • Applications must advance through local, district and state levels to reach the national competition.
  • A student can apply for, but cannot accept, more than one Elks National Foundation scholarship or grant in any one academic year. Legacy Awards and Emergency Educational Grants are the other scholarships offered by the ENF.
  • For details and eligibility, visit
  • In late January, State Finalists are required to upload transcripts, test scores and the FAFSA Student Aid Report.
  • The 500 National Semi-Finalists will be notified by email in early March 2020.
  • National Semi-Finalists are required to submit updated application information, along with an essay and teacher’s evaluation.
  • Following the National Semi-Finalist application deadline, the top 20 National Finalists will be selected to attend a mandatory Leadership Weekend with an interview component in Chicago from April 23-26, 2020.
Q: When is the Leadership Weekend? 
A: The top 20 National Finalists will be selected to attend a mandatory Leadership Weekend with an interview component in Chicago from April 23 to 26, 2020. All expenses will be covered.
In order to be considered for a top award, the applicant must be able to attend the Leadership Weekend. The top 20 finalists will be vying for two first-place awards of $50,000; two second-place awards of $40,000; and two third-place awards of $30,000. The remaining 14 finalists will receive awards of $20,000.
Q: How and when will I receive notification? 
A: Notifications are sent to recipients and applicants not selected to receive an Elks Most Valuable Student scholarship via email throughout the various levels of the contest.
  • Notifications are sent to applicants advancing from Lodge selection in early January 2020.
  • Notifications are sent to applicants advancing from district selection in mid-January 2020.
  • Applicants advancing to state selection will be required to upload transcripts, test scores and the FAFSA Student Aid Report.
  • Notifications are sent to applicants advancing from state selection to the National Semi-Finals in early March 2020.
Q: The college I plan to attend doesn’t require that I take the ACT or SAT. Are these scores needed for this application?
A: Yes, ACT and/or SAT scores are required. You need to take either the ACT or SAT on or before October 5, 2019, in order to qualify for the 2020 MVS Scholarship.
Q: The college I plan to attend will allow me to superscore my ACT scores. Can I do so on the application?
A: No. Please only list your composite ACT score on the application. Do not mix sub-scores from different test dates.
Q:I was not born an American Citizen, but was naturalized when my parents' became citizens. What information do I list in the Citizenship section? 
A: If you were naturalized under the Child Citizenship Act of 2000, please include your parent(s)' naturalization information in the Citizenship section of the application. Include the date, place and their naturalization number.

2019 Horatio Alger Association Scholarship Programs

If integrity, determination and courage describe you - you have what it takes to be a Horatio Alger Scholar.  Scholarships reward students who possess the character to succeed in life and help students overcome the financial barriers of pursuing higher education.  To qualify, students must have at least a 2.0 (75%) GPA and require financial assistance to go to college.  To learn more and apply, click HERE or to go
Application Deadline:  October 25, 2019

Not just scholarship search.

A smart application: Never enter the same thing twice.

Here's an overview of our Going Merry search and application platform. Students fill out a profile, get matched only to scholarships they’re eligible for, and then can apply directly from our site. Any information they’ve already given us gets auto-filled into their scholarship applications.
Introducing MerryApps, bundled scholarship applications. 

We remember having to manually look for scholarships that had similar essay prompts, so that we could reuse the same 500-word statement. We’ve made that simpler, by bundling those kinds of scholarships together. 
Why did we build it this way?

As a co-founder, I walk you through the Going Merry origin story and what inspired us to create this Common App for Scholarships.

What other counselors say

KIPP Director of College Counseling: "It's going to make your life easier."

We sat down with Shannon Harrison from KIPP Bay Area, to hear why the counselors in her region love Going Merry. You can watch the short video or read the transcript here. Or read more quotes from students and counselors here.
Create an account
Sign up for a live demo

Upcoming scholarship deadlines

Scholarships with broad eligibility
Here are some scholarships that all high school students can apply to:
Most scholarships, however, have specific eligibility requirements, which is why we encourage students to sign up, fill out a basic profile, and then get matched to eligible scholarships!
Friendly reminder: FAFSA opens soon, on October 1.

We know that independent scholarships aren’t the only way students are going to pay for college. That’s why we’ve also got: 
(1) Blog articles like this “Comprehensive Guide to Financial Aid,” a helpful resource for you and your students.
(2) College Scholarships: A new section of our platform, which offers information on institutional aid--that is, financial aid packages directly offered by colleges. One of our first partners is the University of Virginia, which has listed information for in-state and out-of-state students.
(3) Tips for counselors, from counselors, to improve your scholarship application success rates